There are times in our lives when we just cant understand what God is doing. He may have said no to a prayer, there may be a delay in something you thought would surely come to pass by now, Or you may be going through a trial that challenges your faith. But, Beloved we must remember the God we serve and who He is. He said that He would never leave us nor forsake us. Our God in His infinite wisdom reminds us to lean not on our own understanding but in all our ways to acknowledge Him and He would direct our paths. My understanding of that verse is that, though things may not make sense to us, God is still on the throne and He is still our Father who loves us and wants the best for us. If we just trust that our lives are in His hands He will put things in place to work in our favor. Favor! Thats right, Beloved you are favored by your father in heaven and nothing can seperate you from His love. Not your problems, not your sin, NOTHING can seperate us!
Author: The Proverbs 31 Woman
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