Thursday, April 18, 2013


What emotion rules your life? We all have one or more. Is it depression? Anger and Rage? Frustration? Anxiety? Lonliness? Grief? Worry? I could go on and on.

The devil and his demons are very sneaky in the way they use this tool. As christians who are trying to walk in the title that was given to us as a gift, the gift of righteousness, we can easily get frustrated in our commitment to walk with God for eternity. The enemy knows just when to pull this card. It's always when we're feeling on top of the world and finally feeling like maybe, just maybe, this journey with God isn't going to be as hard as we thought.

But then you come across something that indicates your spouse has been unfaithful, AGAIN, and you lose it. You call them every name in the book and then some. You maybe even get a little physical and want to hurt them.

Or your kid comes home looking drunk or stoned from partying all night with a crowd you don't exactly approve of and you go off. You say things you later regret and realize you've made the situation worse instead of better.

Or it could be that something is always trying to pull you down and causing you to fall in a state of depression. Joy never lasts for long and it's even a struggle to get out of bed to face another day. Suicide is a frequent entertained thought.

It could be that nights are not your favorite time of the day. You dred the thought of another lonely night looking at infomercials and wondering if this is your lot for life. You eventually compramise yourself and your relationship with God out of desperation.

These emotions are not from God and they usually lead to sin and then death. Death in our spirit and sometimes even physical death. This is all part of the devils plan, his ultimate plan. To steal, kill, and destroy. He comes to steal the assurance, peace and joy that Jesus places in us, kill the destiny set for us before we were even in the womb, and then to totally destroy us and sift us as wheat.

Family, the enemy and his helpers are setting up camp 24/7 to violently attack and kill you, not only spiritually, but physically. This thing is more serious than you think and if you're not careful to stay sober and gaurd your heart, you will be defeated day after day until your walk is no longer with God.

We no longer have room for double-mindedness and lukewarmness. We must be as Joshua and decide this day whom we will serve. If we are loveing God with our whole hearts as we should and serving Him as we should, the enemy will not have room to enter into our lives as he did before.

Our emotions is a suttle but effective tool that he uses to bring us down. Our Father in Heaven has given us numerous ways to avoid the snare and traps of the devil.

1. Free Will- Decide today if you will be a lukewarm christian or a sold out christian. Will you choose life or death today? Give God your everything and surrender all to Him, letting go of your fleshly desires and sins that you secretly want to hold on to because it's been your security blanket in bad times. God can begin to fully come into your life and change things and you. But as long as you hold on to these things, the devil and his demons have every right to operate in your lives and continue to cause havic and misery.

2. Bible-Based Church- Make sure you are in a church where man is not glorified, but God is. Make sure this church is doing what Jesus did when he walked the earth. A church that deals in total deliverance and they teach the true word of God, nothing added and nothing taken away. You should see an evident change in your life in no less than 6 months. If they are teaching, "Once saved, always saved" this is not a bible based church.

3. The Word- Begin to read your word as if your life depended on it, because it does. This alone will change you from the inside out. Meditate on it day and night as commanded in the bible. And remember, its not about how much you read. It's about understanding it and letting God bring revelation that will begin to give you a new heart and new mind. Sometimes its good to take one passage and meditate on it one week until it's part of you. Always pray for God to speak to you and bring revelation before you start to study the Bible.

4. Prayer- Prayer is an intimate time with God to commune and talk with Him. Remember we are made in His image and likeness. He is real and wants to be spoken to as such. Just talk to God from your heart, not religiously. God answers sincere prayer. Speak to Him as your loving Father. And its ok to remind Him of His promises to you. Praying His word is good too because He says that His word will not return void. God cares about everything in your life and wants you to know He is there and will never leave you or forsake you. He loves you and wants to give you the desires of your heart. Just ask.

5. Praise and Worship- If you haven't already, begin to invest in some worship cd's, Music that puts you right in the presence of God. Play them in your car constantly. Play them in your house constantly. Worship should not only be in church but something we do several times a day. It's what we were created to do. It's something that should be natural. Praise is bragging on our Father and letting Him know how much we love Him and how we can't live life without Him. It's exalting Him and blessing His name. God loves to be in the environment of praise. God's glory comes with His presence. Miracles happen when He is present. This does not have to just be on Sundays and bible study, You can have this everyday of the week. I'm telling you what I know.

6. Faith- As you begin to do the things above, your faith will begin to grow. The more you do the things above the more your faith will grow and the quicker doubt will leave and the enemy will not be able to lie to you so easily and trip you up as he did before. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. As your faith grows, you will believe God when He says there is nothing impossible with Him. The limitations of your life will be removed and God can begin to peel away the layers one by one to bring you into a place of wholeness.


7. Authority- Whoever said, "once you are a christian everything in your life will be perfect" lied! That is a lie from the devil. Because we are christians we are attacked by Satan and his agents consistantly non-stop. But the good news is we have all authority over them and all we have to do is bind them, tie them up, and command them to leave our lives forever, but just like they are camped against us contiually setting traps and snares, we must be warriors ready to go to battle daily. God says in His word that He teaches our hands to war. Begin to ask God to teach you how to fight against your adversaries and win, but remember your fight is not against people, but principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

8. Tithes and Offerings- This a subject that is very important in the life of a christian because Satan seems to hit us the hardest in our finances. I'm not asking for any money, so I have no agenda. Do you struggle in your finances? Does it seem like no matter how much money you get or make, it's never enough? When you do make some money and think you're finally going to get caught up, something happens, like your car breaks down and you have to spend that money to get it fixed, or you can never keep a job. Everytime you get two steps ahead, something happens that knocks you 5 steps back. It all has something to do with your commitment to the commandment given in Malachi 3. Read it and take it to heart. God says to bring all the tithe into the storehouse, so there will be meat in His house. God does not need your money. God wants to bless you and your finances. When you give God 10% of the first fruits of all money you recieve, you are showing Him that He can trust you. This is the one thing in the bible He says to test Him in. He promises if you bring your tithes and offerings that he will protect your finances and open up the windows of heaven to pour you out blessings you do not have room enough to recieve. If you are faithful in your tithes, God will be faithful in His promise. But why would He bless you with millions if He cant even trust you to return to Him only 10%. If you haven't been doing this faithfully, start now! The tithe is the first of whatever money you recieve. If you spend some of your wages and then give God the 10% of what you have after spending some of your money, it is not a tithe, it is only an offering. You must take out God's money first, then He will protect and bless what is left. Put God first! Not only in your tithes, but in everything and He promises that all things will be added unto you.

If you feel the Holy Spirit speaking to you, I've prepared a prayer for you below. Be blessed, Beloved.

Author: The Proverbs 31 Woman

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